Friday, May 22, 2020
A Day From Drinking Contaminated Water - 2056 Words
Do you know how many people die a day from drinking contaminated water? What about the lives of children that are taken because of the lack of water they receive? Many lives everyday are taken for many different reasons. People die everyday that s nature, but it is different when the source we need to survive is one of the many reasons that people s lives are taken away everyday. This major issue around the world takes the lives of many. Contaminated water that people drink carries many waterborne diseases. People without access to water will do whatever to get drinking water to survive, but it’s what’s in the water that is the reason why people get so sick and die. We americans live with so much access to water that we don t really know what people in serious poor countries go through. Many countries such as in the middle east have a huge problem with how much water they have. In this area many people die because either they have no water or they drink contaminated wat er they could find no matter what s in it and get an illness from it. This issue has many negatives, but has little positives that can help this change. Water is a source that is used for many reasons, without it I don t know what we as a human race would do. People already don t have water and are dying from thirst. Dirty water is not something people think when you hear it. People in America think that dirty water is dirty or dust in a cup, but around the world many people suffer from dirty water. ItShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Contaminated Water On Human Life869 Words  | 4 PagesResearchers have been studying the causes and effects of contaminated water on human life. Water is to be considered a major and important resource on the planet, but it can also be a major health risk towards human life especially on young children. Young children are more vulnerable to diseases because their immune systems are experiencing everything for the first time. These health risks can include diarrhea, dental fluorosis, or toxicant. Diarrhea can be life threatening due to fluid loss. InRead MoreAn Essential Component For Human Development1680 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Water is an essential component for human development for its ability to keep the body hydrated and conduct complex physiological process to ensure for a healthy wellbeing. In addition, water is vital as it composes 75% of the human body. Several other features water is beneficial for humans is that it assists in transporting nutrients and waste products into and out of the cell, distribute and dissolve oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the lymphatic and haemolytic system to the surroundingRead MoreDependence Of Man On The Environment1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthe experiments showing how contaminated water can be turned into uncontaminated water. 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The site is currently being cleaned up by the National Guard Bureau and the Department of the Air Force. The Air Force is cleaning one part of the base under Superfund. The Army is cleaning the other part under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The EPA is overseeing that everythingRead MoreWaterborne Illness1417 Words  | 6 PagesWater borne illness in third world countries Danielle H Woods Ivy Tech Community College October 16, 2013 Water borne illness in third world countries Third countries have myriad problems that interrelate in intricate ways to cause a series of problems for their citizens. One major problem in the third world countries is the disease burden. Waterborne diseases make a major contribution to diseases’ burden in the third world. As per the World Health Organization, waterborne diseases contributeRead MoreIntroduction: Have You Ever Wondered What Is The One Thing1163 Words  | 5 Pageseight children will die due to a lack of clean water. I. Water facts: A. Statistics: There are 7 billion people in the world. 1 billion do not have access to clean drinking water. 2.5 billion lack access to improved sanitation. 3.5 million, mostly children, die annually from water-related diseases, making water the leading cause of diseases and one of the leading causes of death in the world. B. What is clean water needed for? Domestic use: drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking. Ecosystems: domesticRead MoreCauses And Remedies Of Water Pollution1596 Words  | 7 PagesCAUSES OF WATER POLLUTION AND EFFECTS AND REMEDIES ABSTRACT Water is one of the necessities for existence of mankind. It is also one of the most abundantly available resources. But indifference of mankind and its abuse of the plentiful resource made water scarcity a problem for many nations around the globe. Water pollution is one major problem that demands utmost attention to deal with emerging water crisis. This paper is an attempt to describe various causes and remedies for water pollution.Read MoreEssay about Water Pollution and Drinking Water Scarcity1408 Words  | 6 Pages It is scary but true. Water, one hydrogen and two oxygen, is a compound that life on Earth is completely dependent upon. A clean drinking water supply is imperative if life is going to continue. Without a supply of clean drinking water, life would cease to exist. Much of Earth’s water is contaminated with chemicals and more water is being polluted each day. The sad fact is that the pollutants are being dumped into the water by man himself. We are slowly, and knowingly, killing off our own
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Tragedy Of Medea By Euripides - 1968 Words
The characters in Medea by Euripides have no free will; the gods control all. Consequently, the concept, â€Å"Divine Double Bind,†described by the author Ruth Padel in Whom Gods Destroy as â€Å"Divinity issues prohibitions (do not kill your mother), forces you to break them, then punishes you for doing so†(215) explains perfectly the actions and ultimate fates of Medea, Jason, King Creon and his daughter, the chorus leader, and the two sons. Many of Medea’s actions, which offend the gods, and the subsequent consequences for such actions throughout the story exhibit the â€Å"Divine Double Blind†concept. Medea starts off by offending the gods when, according to Jason, Medea’s husband, she â€Å"slaughtered [her] brother in [her] home†(81), and then, as is explained by the nurse, Medea’s servant, she causes Pelias’ daughter to kill their father (32). Medea’s first misdeed is thus murder, and although it is through Medea’s actions that these crimes are committed, because the gods control all the mortals, the gods are actually the ones who made her do them. Sticking with the â€Å"Divine Double Blind†concept, the gods punish Medea by having her marriage to Jason fall apart. The nurse recites that â€Å"their fine love’s grown sick, diseased, for Jason . . . married the daughter of king Creon†(32). Jason has neglected Medea and married another woman, which Medea responds to with rage. She kills again, this time targeting Jason’s new wife and her father, King Creon. Medea has her childrenShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Euripides Medea1593 Words  | 7 PagesEuripides’ Medea is considered, according to Aristotle’s Poetics, a tragedy. The play centers on Medea, an outsider and wife to Jason, who seeks to punish Jason for taking another wife. The play is considered a tragedy because it contains the three unities as well as the six elements o f drama mentioned by Aristotle. Despite the fact that the does the play fits the criteria of what Aristotle considers tragedy, however, Medea is actually not a tragedy but tells the story about a successful revengeRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Medea By Euripides1970 Words  | 8 PagesMedea The characters in Medea by Euripides have no free will; the gods control all. Consequently, the concept, â€Å"Divine Double Bind,†described by the author Ruth Padel in Whom Gods Destroy as â€Å"Divinity issues prohibitions (do not kill your mother), forces you to break them, then punishes you for doing so†(215) explains perfectly the actions and ultimate fates of Medea, Jason, King Creon and his daughter, the chorus leader, and the two sons. Many of Medea’s actions, which offend the gods, andRead MoreGreek Tragedy By Euripides Medea1646 Words  | 7 Pages Discuss the ways Greek tragedy authors addressed such topics as duty, honor, kingship, gender roles, and the other. Greek tragedy authors tend to use their writings as a means of social, political, and religious commentary. Both of the authors we read of, use their characters and the storyline development to test their reader’s moral boundaries. On the one hand, Euripides’ Medea emphasizes Greek thoughts concerning foreigners, and denounces Athenian social bases through his character’s traitsRead MoreThe Tragic Tragedy Of Medea By Euripides1844 Words  | 8 PagesIn Medea by Euripides, an unfortunate tragedy arose from devastating circumstances, centralizing around intense grief and rage. In the center of the horrific situation was Medea, who was the daughter of King Aeetes. She was the former wife of Jason, until he decided to abandon his family and duties as the head of the household by marrying Glauce, the Princess of Corinth. She murdered her children, Glauce, and Creon, the King of Corinth to satiate her overwhelming lust for blood and revenge. UndeniablyRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Euripides Medea And Ovid s Metamorphoses, Medea, And Juno898 Words  | 4 Pagespain they have caused. In Euripides’ Medea and Ovid’s’ Metamorphoses, Medea and Juno exhibit vengeance to defend th eir dignity. Primary Source In Euripides’ Medea, Medea is very furious because Juno left her and her children to remarry the princess. Medea does not accept the betrayal and demands punishment for leaving her after all she has done for him. Creon is aware â€Å"I’m afraid of you. You could hurt my daughter, even kill her. Every indication points that way†(793). Medea knew she was going to exileRead MoreEvaluation of Euripides Essay942 Words  | 4 PagesEvaluation of Euripides Euripides has met the conventions of Attic Tragedy up to a particular extent. Although he was often criticised for his work, he followed the structure and cycles of the traditional tragedy. However, his stance on the themes and ideas set him apart from the other writers. It is unreasonable to compare Euripides with the traditional writers of Attic tragedy without understandingRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Medea By Sophocles1611 Words  | 7 Pagesnecessary for a top-notch tragedy. While these norms may seem to be easily understood through the reading of Aristotle’s fine-tuned poetics, there is a different understanding that needs to be interpreted to truly grasp the significance and qualifications that makeup a good tragedy. Of the many tragedies that Euripides provides us with, I chose the tragedy of Medea to further analyze, and present a strong argument for why I think Aristotle would find Medea a top-notch tragedy. According to AristotleRead MoreAnalysis Of Euripides The Play Medea 1202 Words  | 5 PagesThe Greek playwright Euripides, who lived from 480 BC to 406 BC, had four victories as a Tragedian. A third of the â€Å"Big Three†of tragedians, Euripides was, in his time, less successful than both Aeschylus and Sophocles, who had 13 and 20 victories. Euripides’ writing was drast ically different from that of the others. While playwrights like Sophocles wrote characters the way they should be ideally, Euripides wrote his characters truthfully and portrayed people as compassionate and cruel and complicatedRead More Love and Deception in Medea, by Euripides Essay507 Words  | 3 PagesLove and Deception in Medea, by Euripides There are many pieces of literature that may entail more than one theme throughout the story. The tragedy, Medea, by Euripides is very good example of this. Throughout this story, the themes of betrayal and love, revenge, and women’s rights arise. Euripides brings these points up to help the reader to realize that women are powerful.      Betrayal is a very important theme throughout this story. Her husband Jason betrays Medea, when he abandons herRead MoreThe Concept of the Tragic Hero: an Analysis of Jason and Medea in Euripides Medea1442 Words  | 6 PagesIn ‘Medea’, Euripides shows Medea in a new light, as a scorned woman that the audience sympathises with to a certain extent, but also views as a monster due to her act of killing her own children. The protagonist of a tragedy, known as the Tragic Hero is supposed to have certain characteristics which cause the audience to sympathise with them and get emotionally involved with the plot. The two main characters, Medea and Jason, each have certain qualities of the Tragic Hero, but neither has them all
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cell Specialisation Free Essays
All cells are designed to perform a particular job within an organism, that is, to sustain life. Cells can become specialized to perform a particular function within an organism, usually as part of a larger tissue consisting of many of the same cells working together for example muscle cells. The cells combine together for a common purpose. We will write a custom essay sample on Cell Specialisation or any similar topic only for you Order Now All organisms will contain specialised cells. There are hundreds of types of specialised cells. Below is listed some of the major ones found in plants and animals. Plant Cell Specialisation. Guard cells (a pair form a stoma hole) – kidney shapes cells that change shape depending on water content. Regulate the exchange of gases in and out of the plant, and the amount of water lost through the leaves of the plant. Pollen grains – circular cells with an extremely hard protective cell wall containing sperm cells, pollen grains germinate when they come in contact with female stamens, producing a pollen tube through which the sperm travel to reach the ova (ovary). These pollen tubes can easily be seen in a corn cob. Root hair cell – designed to increase the surface area of the root for absorption of water and mineral nutrients into the plant. These cells have a very thin cell wall that is fully permeable that allows the absorption of mineral nutrients as ions by cation and anion exchange. Contain large vacuoles for the short term storage of these nutrients. Epidermal cells – feature a waxy cuticle (covering) to help prevent water loss from the plant, the cells on the top side of the leaf tend to be more waxy due to higher exposure to the elements. Palisade cell (mesophyll) – designed for photosynthesis, it is a tall cell with a large surface area contained many chloroplasts. Located on top side of the leaf in plants to allow optimum absorption of light and carbon dioxide (inputs for photosynthesis). Xylem and Phloem cells (combined referred to as vascular bundles) – cells responsible for the transport of water and nutrients around the plant. Vascular bundles are located in a ring around the outside of the stem in higher order plants. This provides structural support for the plant (plant can die if ‘ring barked’as equivalent to strangulation ). Xylem carries water and mineral ions up through the plant to the leaves. The phloem transport products of photosynthesis to other areas within the plant for storage (growth). Stone cells (sclereids) – extremely hard to provide protective covering to the seed in stone fruit. Animal Cell Specialisation White blood cells (phagocytes) – part of the body’s immune system, it is responsible for engulfing, breaking down foreign material (bacteria)and cellular debis in the blood in a process called phagocytosis. They are highly mobile, able to move between body cells. Red blood cells – have no nucleus and contain haemoglobin, the molecule that carries the oxygen around the body to the cells undergoing respiration. Red blood cells with a high oxygen content appear bright red, with low oxygen concentration dark blue/red. Retina cells – the cone and rod shaped cells of the retina are sensitive to light. These cells send electrical messages via the optic nerve to the brain. Muscle cells (fibres)– these cells are long and smooth in structure. The flexible nature of the cell allows them to move by contracting and expanding. This contractile ability allows to cell o quickly change length. Microvilli (cells lining the small intestine) – these cells have finger like extensions to the surface of the cell to allow greater absorption into the cell by increased surface area. Nerve cells – these cells are elongated with trendril like extensions at each end, and capable of transmitting electrical impulses along the cell body. These electrical impulses are able to contract muscle fibres and stimulate brain cells. Cilia – tiny hair like cells designed to prevent damage to the lungs by airborne particles. Cilia cells line the surface of the nasal passages and secrete a mucas (snot), a sticky substance that collects the dust particles captured by the hairs , where it is swept towards the back of the throat and then swallowed. Sperm cells – designed to fertilise egg cells, they are very small with a tail to allow movement by swimming. The head of the cell contains enzymes that can digest the outer surface of the egg so that the two nuclei can fuse. A sperm cell contains half the number of chromosomes of the parent organism (genetic material from the father), which will be passed onto the offspring. Ovum (egg cell) – designed to be fertilized, the cell is large, bulky and not designed to move easily. Like the sperm the ova contains half the number of chromosomes of the adult organism (mother’s genetic material). The ova contains a large food store in the cytoplasm, needed for the developing offspring once the ova has been fertilized. Osteocyte (bone cell) – calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate are deposited around the outside of the cell to form a hard outer covering (bone). How to cite Cell Specialisation, Papers
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