Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Military Protections For Women In The Military
in 2016 compared to 6,082 last year, an annual military report showed. This was a sharp jump from 2012 when 3,604 cases were reported. Few bills have been presented in Congress against the institution for fear of disrespecting those who are fighting for our country. By attacking one section of the military for injustice and abuse, there is fear that this could possibly only be scratching the surface of the issue. Protections for women in the military seem to have a bleak outcome due to the fact that more recently similar ideas surrounding sexual abuse of females within militaries have become more prevalent. In recent a recent survey The Israeli Defense Forces found that one in every six women had been sexually abused over the course of†¦show more content†¦Women have been participating in the United States military since the Revolutionary War, where they were nurses, maids, cooks and even spies. They played vital roles in order to keep those fighting on the front lines healt hier, and even a more important role in keeping commanding officers informed with private information stolen from the other side. Although the Revolutionary War took play in 1776, the first law to be passed that permanently stated that women have an official place in the military was in 1948, almost one hundred and seventy-two years later. Since that time there has been a lack of true growth when it comes to integration of females in the military. In 1994, a law was passed that tried to prohibit women from being assigned to ground combat units below the brigade level. Women are excluded from more then 25% of active combat roles within the military and only in 2013 was the ban lifted which was the final barrier to allowing women into all active roles. This has been a huge step in the direction for women being considered as being equal but there are still challenges that women face within the military. Ranging from sexual assault, discrimination, bullying, and other tactics, it is cle ar that for many, the military is still a â€Å"boys club.†In all areas of society, this idea of male superiority is evident. The very position of certain jobs, most often higher paying and thought to be only done by those with a higher IQ are meantShow MoreRelatedThe Supreme Court Of The United States852 Words  | 4 PagesSupreme Court of the United States did not apply sound reasoning in formulating their final opinion in Reed v. Reed. Even though, the Supreme Court’s decision was unanimous in ruling the Idaho statute unconstitutional because of violation to the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The reason why I believe that they did not apply sound reasoning in Reed v. Reed is because the level of scrutiny applied. The Supreme Court applied the rational basis test instead of strict scrutiny. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
A Brief Note On Copyright And Remix Culture - 1777 Words
How to Not Follow Copyright Law: An Exploratory Essay on Copyright and Remix Culture As time goes by, the rate at which art changes increases at a seemly exponential rate. Our culture has more ways than ever to publish and distribute the things we make, and with the rise of the internet we can reach any audience with a Wi-Fi connection. This digital hyper-connectivity has led many artists to create new forms of art, some of which have gone on to start trends and cultures. One of these cultures that has become a significant part of online media is Remix Culture. The idea of taking someone else’s art and making it your own is embraced and cherished by some, and detested by others. As this genre of media has grown over the years, the line between what is and isn’t a remix has drastically blurred. Some will spend hours upon hours making a song sound completely different from its original counterpart, while others will simply chop it up and call it their own. Though laws were once effective when dealing with copyright infringement, the rate art has grown has significantly surpassed the rate at which these laws have changed. People are beginning to monetize their remixes in various ways, creating much controversy surrounding who should be getting paid, or if anyone should get paid at all. As artists, it is important to know what these laws are exactly, so we can either abide by them or find our own workarounds. As soon as a work is created in a tangible, fixed form, it is
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Deforestation Cause and Effects Free Essays
â€Å"Scientist fear that 20 percent of the trees will be lost over the next two decades†(From â€Å"Last of the Amazon†by Scott Wallace). Deforestation can be caused by many things, natural or unnatural. The number one cause can be said to be illegal logging or erosion, but we all know that is not it. We will write a custom essay sample on Deforestation Cause and Effects or any similar topic only for you Order Now Deforestation in the world is caused by man and the effects are devastating to the environment and can also effect global warming. Man can cause deforestation because of his greediness to want everything. For example, loggers in the Amazon are illegally cutting down trees to either make space for crops and cattle, or to get the wood and sell it. Man can also show his greediness when it comes to money, well, to be exact gold. Back in the 1850’s when the gold rush started in California; people began to chop down redwood trees in order to build their homes and towns. Eventually, by the 1900’s most of the original old redwood forest was gone. As a result of man, the effects, such as deforestation, are devastating to the environment. In addition to all the illegal logging being done, erosion can affect the surrounding areas. Erosion washes away the soil that other trees or plants in the area need adding on to future deforestation. Furthermore, the mass logging being done can also disrupt the water cycle. By cutting down a large amount of trees, the rainfall in that area can decrease because the moisture released by the trees also decreased. As a matter of fact, this can then cause a drought and make things even worse. Global warming can also be elicited by deforestation. The cutting down of a large amount of trees can increase the amount of greenhouse gasses that can be released to the atmosphere. To illustrate, if trees are cut down, the amount of carbon dioxide that is taken by them decreases. As a result, the carbon dioxide that was not taken by the trees goes up to the atmosphere, trapping heat and creating global warming. Furthermore, trees are 50 percent carbon, meaning that when they have fallen or burned, the CO2 they store escapes back into the air. In summary, global warming and the devastation being done to the environment are all caused by deforestation taking place because man. In the end, the effects of man’s greediness have almost caused the extinction of the redwood tree and it is now affecting the whole world with global warming. In my opinion, there should be a law that makes loggers plant a new smaller tree after they cut down the big old one. How to cite Deforestation Cause and Effects, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Ap Us History Dual Credit Debate Paper Jeffersons Greatness free essay sample
Abstract This paper explores five sources that outline the events leading up testosterones presidency, and the events during. Information is brought to light supporting claims Jefferson was indeed a great president. The articles touch on how Jefferson great morals and principles were related to his great decisions and in turn his greatness. The paper functions as a guide which highlights Jefferson remarkable reasoning, especially In difficult positions, through the use of understanding Jefferson thought process by means of quotes from Family Guardian Fellowship, as well as texts and adding pertaining to Jefferson.This research paper also counters claims of Jefferson mistakes, ineffectiveness, recklessness, and stupidity by the use of factual, reference information. The Great President Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was the principle leader In the American Revolution, the author of the Declaration of Independence, and a great third president of the united States of America.If one was to acknowledge and characterize a great president as an individual who defends the true and original principles of the federal constitution, ND the economic and civil liberties for which Americans had fought in t he revolution, then Thomas Jefferson should be regarded as one of the best presidents this nation has seen. Jefferson had a goal once In office, which was to restore the republican experiment, to check the growth of government power. ND to halt the decay of virtue that had set in under Federalist rule and this mission was accomplished successfully, and In combination with his perspicacious decisions regarding domestic affairs, foreign policy, and our economy, Jefferson was able to embody one of the greatest presidents of our great nation. A defining aspect of Thomas Jefferson was his belief In the American people being self-sufficient; Jefferson had a strong belief In agriculture and despised Industry. America was still a new and emerging nation, at the time, and needed to prove to the world they were an independent nation which could thrive and succeed on their own.Jefferson being a country man envisioned his country including self-sufficient farmers, and so strongly advocated agriculture. The ultimate and tactical goal of President Thomas Jefferson was to expand agriculture, aided with the Louisiana Purchase, and to do little as Seibel with Britain and other foreign nations In order to prevent conflict and further debt or turmoil. Jefferson also opposed most taxation except for the most minimal, believing that taxation caused more harm than it did good.Jefferson felt it took away from the American peoples income and diminished their happiness which was a concern for Jefferson as he kept his countries people close t o his heart. One of the most important taxes of Jefferson time was the excise tax placed on whiskey. Jefferson had once made a comment stating, A tax on whiskey Is to discourage its institution; a tax on foreign spirits encourages whiskey by removing Its rival from innocent consumption as broadcloths and silks; and ought, like them, to pay but the average ad valor duty of other imported comforts. All of them are ingredients in our happiness. This comment displays his great hatred toward the whiskey tax but also the general necessities due to the high national debt. Jefferson and his greatness, guided by his principles, were able to repeal this tax, make the people of America happy once again. Jefferson greatness is in the best way represented through his strive to lower the nations debt. In a matter of only eight years Jefferson was able to reduce national debt from a whopping eighty three million to fifty seven million, which is staggering and exceptionally great. He was able to do this through halving the size of the U. S. Navy and opposing public borrowing. By lowering the size of the U. S. Navy Jefferson was able to reduce U. S. Costs by nearly $600,000 a year. This was an extremely wise move on Jefferson part considering it also helped in not provoking war with Britain and France and managed to help the debt. Jefferson also made great sense of the immoral aspect of having a debt. This debt would be theirs now and again into the future so it is unfair for the future generations to have to deal with; those people never used that money so why should they have to pay it; this was the logic of Jefferson.Jefferson was rational and remarkably responsible; and responsibility is great and profound, especially when coupled with presidential power. Jefferson was a master in the art of negotiation and politeness, and was able to effortlessly acquire an extremely large area of land in the Louisiana Purchase, nearly doubling the land of the US. The purchase was considerable accomplishment, ND definitely one of Jefferson greatest. The purchase gave access to Mississippi river which was very beneficial for transportation and trade, and allowed for much m ore area to settle upon in the West. Although some say all credit goes to Napoleon of France for making the offer, it was Jefferson policy of neutrality that he firmly adhered to which made Napoleon comfortable giving up Louisiana especially when tensions were high with France and Britain. Some also state it was unconstitutional to cede Louisiana in the Louisiana Treaty, but Jefferson himself attempted to make an amendment directly stating the power however there was not enough time and the deal would fall through and in order to not let such a great offer slip away he had to act quickly in a time of great pressure.A great presidential quality and decision on his part which significantly changed the U. S. Jefferson was also able put the needs of the nation above his philosophical beliefs, that ceding the area was unconstitutional, which shows Jefferson was a very dedicated president, thus a very great president. Some also may say the purchase of fifteen million for the Louisiana territory hurt the cantonal debt, however keep in mind during his presidency he was also able to decrease national debt by nearly twenty-six million dollars and not stunt the growth and wealth of country with his wise purchase.His frugality and neutrality is what kept spending, debt, and peace intact and thus our nation intact. Another accomplishment during Jefferson presidency was the Embargo act which closed all trade in and out of the country, and although it did anger some citizens, it was a great tactic to remain neutral, promote industry, and domestic trade in turn strengthening the economy. Some say the act crippled or stifled growth of America, but remember national debt did not increase during Jefferson presidency so the was a strategic act that avoided war which would have been catastrophic for our nation.Jefferson practice and policy of neutrality was challenged in the early 19th century when Tripoli was demanding payment from European nations for the right to trade with them and to protect themselves from being attacked. Jefferson strongly opposed this violation of free trade, and refused the Tripoli pashas demand for more money in 1800 and therefore, the pasha declared war on the United States. In order to protect America, free trade, and national honor, Jefferson believed he had to engage Ame rica into this war.This may seem contrary to Jefferson goal to stay neutral, but Tripoli was the aggressor, and Jefferson had to enter this war for the protection of America. Jefferson wanted to remain neutral, independent, and uninvolved in European affairs to promote the happiness and protection of the nation. Naturally, in Europe, Britain and France were rivals, and to be caught between the two would be dangerous and would place much at stake.Yet Jefferson policy did not mean to impolitely ignore all European nations, but instead aimed to cultivate peaceful commerce and negotiations between the United States and European powers. Jefferson had the good intention of remaining neutral through the Embargo Act, but it proved to be ineffective by having no negative effect on French and British trade, however a success in that it did not harm the national debt. We cannot look at Jefferson few failures, faults, or mistakes, and remove his status as one of the greatest presidents.Jefferson did great things for the nations economy in his time. He built it around the people and the independence they wowed. His knowledge of the people of the nation and his determination to make his country flourish and remain intact portray his greatness in an extravagant and profound manner. He should not only be viewed as one of the nations greatest president but also as one of the greatest American men this country has ever known.Although he is criticized for his seemingly reckless decisions in purchasing Louisiana territory, placing an embargo, and even involving the nation in a war, they were apparently the right decisions, although not clear at the time, evident in the country engaging intact , the national debt being reduced, and emerging and further success. A brilliant man with great ideas, Thomas Jefferson had many accomplishments prior to and during his presidency.
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